EmSculpt Muscle Toning in Westchester County

Also serving Harrison, Valhalla, & Carmel Hamlet

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could tone and tighten your abs and buttocks without working up a sweat? At CSANY, we are excited to offer EMSCULPT, an innovative, FDA-cleared treatment proven to do exactly that. A few simple, painless treatments can tone and firm the abdominal muscles and glutes while burning excess fat. On RealSelf.com, actual patients have rated EMSCULPT as 100% “worth it.”

Female Before & After EMSCULPT

Side view of woman's torso before EMSCULPT and after, showing a flatter tummy and more toned midsection.

Male Before & After EMSCULPT

Front view of man's bare torso, before and after EMSCULPT. After photos show less belly fat and more ab muscle definition.

What’s New

Cosmetic surgery such as liposuction and butt augmentation used to be the choice for body contouring. Today, advances in medical technology make nonsurgical body contouring a reality. While CoolSculpting® effectively reduces fat without surgery, EMSCULPT tones and builds muscle while reducing fat. It uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to generate intense muscle contractions, not possible on your own, to break down fat and build muscle.

Side view of a woman's hip and buttock before and after EMSCULPT. The after photo shows a rounder, more lifted buttock.

The CSANY Difference

During your consultation, we will determine if you are a good candidate for EMSCULPT. You should be at or near your target weight, follow a healthy diet and fitness plan, and want to firm up your abdominal area and/or buttocks. We will discuss other options, such as CoolSculpting, to help you attain your desired improvements.

Procedure Overview

EMSCULPT treatments are performed in our comfortable office setting. You can lie back and relax, completely dressed, for the 30-minute treatment, which is described as feeling like an intense workout. After your treatment, you are free to return to your normal daily activities without any downtime. It’s normal to feel sore for the first few days, much like after a good workout.

While experiences vary, you may notice toning of treated areas right after your first session. Areas slim and tone gradually, with improvements becoming most noticeable about 2 to 4 weeks after the 3rd or 4th treatment.

Cross sections of skin, fat, and muscle tissue before, during, and after EMSCULPT, with less fat and increased muscle after.

If you would like to find out more about EMSCULPT at any of our New York locations, request a complimentary consultation using our online form or call (914) 761-8667. Our surgeons look forward to helping you achieve your cosmetic goals.

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